2024-2025 Salary Budget Survey

Offering robust, year-over-year data, this survey will help you design competitive compensation plans that attract and retain high-performing employees. Use the included Online Reporting Tool to build customized reports based on industry and geographic area (U.S. and Canada). This year’s survey includes base salary increases and merit budgets for 22 countries including in-depth salary budget insights in the United States (U.S.), Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. (New this year: GCC Countries, South Africa, South Korea and Vietnam.)

If you participated in the 2024-2025 study, check your email for information on how to access the report and tool.

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Ready to engage with the interactive data? Add the 2024-2025 Salary Budget Survey to your cart. (Participants, check your email for instructions on how to redeem your access code)

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If you've already purchased the report, access it from your Profile.

Want to learn more about how to use Salary Budget Survey data?

Read the guide "Salary Budget Planning: Using Market Data to Formulate a Recommendation" to get tips on picking the right salary data, forming salary structures and making budget recommendations. 


Responses (2024-2025)




Years of Data

2023-2024 Results
Free Summary

Want a preview? Click below to get the free summary of top-level data.

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Ready to engage with the interactive data? Buy the full report. 

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If you participated or purchased the report, access it on your profile.

Survey Archives
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