Payment / Return / Cancellation Policies
General Policies
  • Cancellation. All cancellation/transfer requests must be submitted via e-mail.
  • Payment. Prepayment is required on all orders. WorldatWork accepts payment in U.S. dollars by check, or credit card (Discover [U.S.], American Express, MasterCard or Visa, wire transfer). Make checks payable to WorldatWork.
  • Taxes. All products are subject to state and local tax as applicable. 
  • Account Credit. Credit on the account is valid for two years unless stipulated otherwise in a separate agreement. Credits not used within two years are deemed to be a contribution to ongoing WorldatWork research and related programs that support the profession.
  • Variability. Information, registration, policies, prices, and fees are subject to change without notice.
Cancellation, Non-Refundable Items


  • All cancellation/transfer requests must be submitted via e-mail.

Non-refundable items
The following products are nonrefundable:

  • Hardcopy books
  • Download books
  • Printed course materials
  • Subscription-based products (e.g., Memberships, WorldatWork Salary Budget Survey)
Courses and Exams

Classroom and Virtual Classroom

  • Please refer to the table below on cancellation eligibility. Course fees become nonrefundable and nontransferable once you access the course online portal.

​Cancellation Email Receipt Cancellation Eligibility

More than 30 calendar days before the course start date.

Receive a full refund, account credit, or transfer to another course or learner.

15-30 calendar days before the course start date.

​Receive account credit or transfer to another course or learner.

14 or fewer calendar days before the course start date.

​Fees are not refundable or transferrable.


  • Course fees become nonrefundable and nontransferable 30 days after purchase or once you access the course online portal. 

Immersion Programs

Cancellation Email Receipt Cancellation Eligibility

More than 30 calendar days before the course start date.

Receive a full refund, account credit, or transfer to another course or learner.

15-30 calendar days before the course start date.

Receive account credit or transfer to another course or learner.

14 or fewer calendar days before the course start date.

Fees are not refundable or transferrable.


  • Exam fees become nonrefundable and nontransferable 30 days after purchase. 


  • Individual membership fees are nonrefundable after purchase.
  • Please see full membership policies on the Membership Policies page.


  • Cancelation policy may vary by event. Please refer to the individual event registration page for the specific cancelation policy details.

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