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A host of first-day executive orders, actions and memorandums have strong HR and total rewards undertones and implications.
Employee stock ownership plans are increasingly being explored as a succession option. How do they work? Might this be a fit for your company?
Non-stock equity plans can reward employees for performance while also allowing the company to retain ownership control.
This news article shares what the Jan. 16 proposal means for employers and participating plan employees.
From risk mitigation, to executive retention and engagement, to simply expecting the unexpected, these leaders have plenty to consider.
A pay discrimination lawsuit, DOL updates, more DEI efforts end, Toyota’s RTO policy and Vermont’s retirement plan. It’s all in this week’s News Bytes.
The guidelines explain how both the FTC and DOJ assess whether business practices affecting workers violate the antitrust laws.
Employers can help lighten the load with targeted offerings such as nursing support, counseling, and access to legal and financial support.
As more organizations call employees back to the office this year, TR professionals should evaluate ways to emphasize flexibility.
Catch up on past issues of Workspan.
In this issue, we explore living wages, remote work, pay frequency changes, executive incentives and more.
Retirement plan inequity, benefits enrollment and compensation peer groups are among the topics covered in this issue.
TR pros revamp retention strategies in recognition that baby boomers are a valuable talent pool.
The health care gender gap, paying ERG leaders, instant pay, and more.