Workspan Quarterly
4TH Quarter 2021
Cover Story
Workspan Magazine
Rewards Roundtable - A Global Perspective
Members of WorldatWork’s Global Advisory Council discuss the key issues facing total rewards leaders to keep a finger on the pulse on the profession.
Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
The Global Compensation Puzzle

In exclusive interviews with Workspan, three experts share the compensation challenges that multinational companies face—and how to overcome them.

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Sharing the Wealth - Examining Executive Compensation in Europe

Two experts analyze CEO compensation at the best-performing companies in Europe. The most effective policies in the region are marked by modesty.

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Women at Work - Bridging the Global Gap Year

Outside the United States, women have difficulty returning to the post-pandemic workforce. An agenda of inclusion is key to bridging the global gap year.

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Show Me the Gratitude - The Effect of Recognition on Employee Engagement

Total rewards consist of more than just monetary rewards. Proper recognition is needed for boosting employee engagement and competitive performance.

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Career Comebacks - India Initiatives Boost Women’s Workforce Participation

India is expanding female workforce participation by nurturing leaders and granting second chances. Companies like SHEROES are leading the way.

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Around the World in an Issue

WorldatWork’s Global Advisory Issue provides a global insight into the issues that rewards professionals are facing in their respective regions.

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
EWA — The New “New Deal” to Save the American Workforce

Earned wage access (EWA) provides workers on-demand access to wages they have earned but not received, while employers avoid added costs or financial risks.

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Develop Personalized and Inclusive Recognition Programs for Your Hybrid Workplace

A hybrid workplace needs personalized and inclusive recognition programs. Companies where teams operate in isolation are headed for crisis.

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Governance Should Be at the Top of ESG Priorities

Governance should be at the top of ESG priorities. The core governance principles for ESG decision-making are purpose and stewardship.

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Catch up on past issues of Workspan
Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Workspan Q3 2021

Employee training is being reshaped at Pepsico thanks to video game-based program developed a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and his 11-year-old son. 

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Workspan Q2 2021

How can you manage sales incentive compensation given that the sales role has been significantly impacted by the pandemic lockdown? 

Workspan Issue: Q4 2021 | WorldatWork
Workspan Q1 2021

COVID-19 has underscored the seriousness of mental health issues in the workplace. Employers can help employees find the flexibility and resources they need to maintain their mental well-being during these dark days and beyond.