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Workspan Daily
While the impending rules pertain only to federal employees and contractors, salary history bans and pay transparency legislation are both on the rise, with more jurisdictions likely to follow.;
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An executive order prohibiting the use of salary history data in hiring by federal agencies and federal contractors has been announced by the Biden administration.

Workspan Daily
As a result, WorldatWork’s “ 2022-23 Salary Budget Survey ” revealed that salary increase budgets reached their highest level in 20 years in the United States, rising to an average of 4.1% in 2022 with a 3.8% median.

Workspan Daily
Previous reports and 2025 projections included:
;WorldatWork: 3.8% mean U.S. salary increase budgets;The Conference Board: 3.9% average U.S. salary increase budgets;WTW: 3.9% median U.S. salary increases;Payscale: 3.5% average U.S. salary increases;
“Salary increases are strongly influenced by labor supply and demand,” said Alicia Scott-Wears, a compensation content director at WorldatWork.

Workspan Daily
For WorldatWork Members 2024-2025 Salary Budget Survey , research;Salary Data Center , tool;Dive into the Future: Salary Budget Planning for the Year Ahead , on-demand webinar; For Everyone Global Salary Increase Budgets Contracting; U.S.

Workspan Daily
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As reported by CNBC , Target is doubling its bonus payments to salaried employees as its profits recover.

Workspan Daily
Salary Budget Survey 2024-2025: Participation Closes May 15 Mercer’s latest survey findings fell below WorldatWork’s 2023-24 Salary Budget Survey of 2,146 participating U.S. organizations, which in July 2023 projected 4.1% pay increase budgets in 2024.

Workspan Daily
“However, a significant percentage of organizations do plan to increase salaries, and it’s essential for HR and compensation professionals to gather specific compensation market data and intelligence to inform their hiring salaries,” she said.

Workspan Daily
Healey on Wednesday, July 31 signed into law “An Act Relative to Salary Range Transparency” (H.4890), which increases equity and transparency in pay by requiring employers in the state to disclose salary ranges and protecting an employee’s right to ask for salary ranges.

Workspan Daily
WorldatWork presented “Dive into the Future: Salary Budget Planning for the Year Ahead,” a webinar held Tuesday, Aug. 13, to help attendees responsible for this work by sharing: Ideas on how to use salary budget survey data in the budget planning process,;Fresh thoughts on how to synthesize data from multiple salary budget surveys, and;Insights on how to forge strong budgeting partnerships.; (If you missed the live session, the webinar is now available on-demand .)

Workspan Daily
If passed and signed into law this time, it would prohibit employers from:
;Seeking the wage or salary history of a prospective employee;;
;Relying on the wage or salary history of a prospective employee in determining the wages or salary the prospective employee is to be paid upon hire;;
;Relying on the wage or salary history of a prospective employee in considering the prospective employee for employment;;
;Refusing to interview, hire, employ or promote a prospective employee or otherwise retaliating against a prospective employee for not providing wage or salary history; and;
;Failing or refusing to disclose in each public and internal posting for each job, promotion, transfer or other employment opportunity the wage, salary, or wage or salary range.;
Employers that violate the law would face fines of $1,000 to $10,000 — or actual damages, whichever is greater.